We have been working on our floor for a couple weeks. I shouldn't say we, because it's mostly Andy. He, with the help of John and his friend Greg have removed all the lanolium, tile, and carpet. He has now been trying to remove all the paint that is on the cement, so that when we stain it, it looks nice. This is a near impossible task we are learning. Andy has tried everything people have told him to use, but the darn stuff just doesn't come up. He has just learned of another option, so hopefully some progress is made this weekend. We are now living on mostly cement floor, that is dusty and now sticky from the stuff we put on to remove the floor glue. We have a garage full of furniture and stuff that has been removed from the rooms. Our dinner table is now the boys little black table with two small chairs and a little bench. I need to get a picture, because I'm sure it's quite a site. We thought it would only be for a couple days, but we are going on week 3 with our minuture table. Hopefully we will have some posts soon of our progress and if not I'll send out some more pictures of my cute husband in his workers attire.