Wednesday, June 2, 2010

A Fun Friday in Kindergarten

On Friday, May 28th Andrew had a very fun day in kindergarten. All the pictures from the day are on my camera that is currently lost, so hopefully one day soon I'll have some pictures to post.
The day started out with a patriotic Memorial Day performance. Oh, it was so cute and of course brought tears to my eyes. All the kids were dressed in red, white, and blue, waving flags,a nd singing patriotic songs. I loved that the teachers taught them a bunch of the older patriotic songs that kids just don't know these days. It was a beautiful performance, they even got on the local news!!!
Next on the agenda was a "graduation" party in Andrew's class. We had planned a couple crafts, took pictures with a graduation hat on, ate lunch in the classroom, read a special story, ate cupcakes, and watched a video one of the parents made of the whole year. It was so much fun to celebrate with the kids, they have had a great year!!! We made some cute little pet rocks with graduation hats on. They looked so cute all lined up. I have loved my job of planning parties for the class and it was great to end with such a celebration.
Lastly for the day Andrew's teacher Mrs. Hurley came to visit our house. This is "big stuff" for the kids and Andrew was so excited for her to visit. He had his room all set up with a display of all his stuffed animals and other trinkets that are special to him. Mrs.Hurley played games with him, saw his dirtbike, watched him ride his scooter, played monster trucks with him, and let him show her all his favorite things. It was a very special time and Andrew was very proud to show his teacher all around his house. Allie really enjoyed it too and talked Mrs. Hurley's ear off the whole time and showed her many of her favorite things...definately a different personality than my boys!!!
It was a FABULOUS FRIDAY for Andrew and we couldn't be more proud of him completing his first year of school. He did awesome and showed us what a great friend he can be and what a wonderful and hard working student he is.

1 comment:

  1. I had so much fun! It was so nice to come over and visit with your family. I just glad that I didn't scare Allie! Thanks again and have a great summer!!
