The VandenAkker family's camping rig....
We made it through our first camping trip of the summer. We headed up to Morning Star lake on Friday night. It’s only about an hour away, so the drive was nice. We had a great site that was shaded and right on the water. The first night it rained, which caused some excitement in our tent, but by morning everything was dry. The boys were so cute when I was setting up the inside of the tent. They were jumping on mommy's new air mattress and yelling, "it's summer vacation, it's summer vacation." I mean they have endured so many years of school, that they definately deserve a summer vacation :) Saturday we had a very relaxing day. The boys rode the quad and both sets of grandparents came up for the day. Grandpa brought his new fishing boat, so the boys spent a good portion of the day out in the boat fishing. They were in heaven….the great outdoors, dirt biking, fishing, and roasting smores…what else could a boy want. It was fun to celebrate Father’s Day a week early with daddy, grandpa, and Pake. We made a special cake and gave them some picture collages that we made. It was so nice to be able to sit at the lake relaxing and do nothing. The only problem was that it was very chilly. Because our site was right on the water and fully shaded we kept getting a big breeze off the lake. We didn’t get the sun tans we thought we would, but were bundled up all day. Andy and I decided to make dinner and enjoy it by the lake with kids and then pack up and head home. The kids were so tired and we weren’t looking forward to another night freezing in the tent. We were planning on leaving Sunday morning, but were glad to get home to our warm beds a night early. The kids did great and absolutely love it. We will defiantly go back to this campground, it was close to home, clean, our site was huge, our tent was feet from the water, and it was shaded (which normally would be a great thing in the summer).
An in-and-out dinner on our way to the campground

our camp site

cutest girl ever....loving being outdoors all day

part of our camp site

the boys enjoying a ride

mommy and Allie waiting for the boys to get back

Andrew waiting his turn for a ride on the quad

Riding in grandpa's boat into

headed out for the first fishing trip

celebrating an early Father's Day with Grandpa, Pake, & Daddy..we made a special cake and picture collages to celebrate

Allie...so excited to see her brothers coming in from their fishing adventure

Riding in with Pake & Oma

S'more making on a chilly afternoon....Allie is taking over Andrew's chair

Luke loves his s'more

of course the creek became a cool bike riding spot for Andrew

Luke's "Douglas" monkey rides in the back of his chest protector

Oma takes a ride on the quad

Grandpa & Grandma with the boys and some of their fish from the day