Well....what a night we had!!! We'll start off with my little Luke. He woke up from his nap not feeling the greatest. He just wanted to be held and cuddled, so I didn't have the heart to put him in his costume that was uncomfortable and hot. He cruised around with us during trick or treating though and would grab a lollipop any chance he could get. So he was my first child not in costume.
Then comes my Andrew.....oh to be a three year old!!! Well, we had been having what you could call a difficult week with Andrew. He, being the high energy silly boy that he is was causing his dad and mom some frustration. After a rather hard morning of lots of discipline and mischief behavior, I had spend some time praying while Andrew was sleeping. I said, Lord please..please...please just help my little boy to behave tonight, so we can enjoy the holiday together. He woke up from his nap and he was better, he helped me get ready for our Halloween party and we enjoyed a Halloween cartoon together. Then it came time for his costume.... We had a couple options this year with costumes because my cousins had given us some of their old costumes and Andrew was just wearing one of them. He decided that instead of Scooby Doo he was going to be a shark. I said fine, it wasn't worth an argument. So we got ready with his little red shorts and a white t-shirt (this was to be worn under his costume). He put on his new green running shoes (he thinks they make him run sooooo fast and he needed that for trick-or-treating) and then we put on the costume. He looked GREAT!! After about 5 minutes he decided that he didn't want to wear the costume. After my mom so nicely told me not to worry about all the "Little Things" I decided it wasn't worth a battle with him. I did tell him that he at least had to wear one of his dress up hats. So this is where is lovely KNIGHT costume comes from. He threw on his helmet and the breastplate and he was ready for trick-or-treating. The "mommy" inside of me was secretly dying because our streets our filled with kids in their darling costumes, and then here comes Andrew in his little red shorts, green running shoes, a KNIGHT helmet, and I can't fail to mention his little skinny legs (I think they're so cute). I knew we would look back on these pictures and laugh and remember the wonderful and stretching times we had with our precios little 3 year old son. He had a blast trick or treating, he was comfortable, and I managed to laugh all the way around the block about what an incredibly SILLY boy I have. So, when you see these pictures, YES I did have costumes for my boys, they just never made it out of the house on Halloween night.
After trick-or-treating we had family, friends, and lots of neighbors over for chili, dessert, and the bounce house for the kids. It ended up being a great evening and everyone was on GREAT behavior!!! Enjoy the 4 pictures that I took!!!