Wednesday was Veterans day so we all had the day off. Daddy had to meet with a teacher and some students in Lake Tahoe on Thursday, so we decided to drive up Wednesday afternoon and spend the night. The boys got to miss school. Luke was very excited to be ABSENT. He kept telling us, "I am going to be absent and Andrew is too, dad, do you know what absent means?" It was the perfect last minute adventure. We stayed at Harrah's, because they had an indoor pool and we found out when we got there that we had 2 bathrooms and each one had a TV in it. The boys thought this was super cool. Andrew was sitting on the potty watching Seinfeld. The kids got to swim, we bundled up and walked through Heavenly village for dinner and ice cream, the kids played games at the hotel kid zone, we watched a movie, had a rough night sleep (which is usually expected at new places), and then woke up at 5:30a.m. with our little Allie. But, when we woke up Andrew opened up the curtains and IT WAS SNOWING!!!! Their little faces lit up and they were so excited. We bundled up in our PJs and headed out to the grocery store for a couple things...yes, it was still a bit dark out when we left (one day we'll sleep in and enjoy a lazy morning in the hotel). By 7am we were back at the hotel, so I suggested we go find a sledding hill. We had put our big tub of snow gear in the car, just in case, so we found a small hill, put on some boots and gloves, and played in the snow. The kids were having a blast. Luke was much braver in the snow than last year. He said, "mom, this is actually really fun." (he has the best comments). Allie loves the snow even though she is all bundled up. By 7:45 we were done and heading back to the hotel for warm baths. We enjoyed a yummy breakfast together and then took daddy to the school office. Mommy did a little school work with the kids, went shopping, and went to a park, while daddy worked. We picked him back up and drove home around Lake Tahoe. It was beautiful seeing all the snow that had just fallen. We had a great time as a family and it was the perfect "little break" we needed from the regular routine of life.
Andrew in his beanie Oma made him

sweats and a swimsuit???

excited boys to be able to swim

do you love her outfit?

playing in the snow with PJs on...it's only 7a.m.

beautiful girl