Our precious girl is already 18 months...she is becoming quite the "little miss" She knows how to get what she wants from her brothers (a loud screaching scream will do!!), she loves to make funny faces, she says "no" (very sassy), she talks in complete sentences but we can't understand a word, she is starting to play with her baby dolls and take care of them, she loves to get into my make-up and put on "pretties", she loves to show her daddy her pretty face and her outfits, she climbs on everything even the kitchen table, she has forced me to leave stores because of her loud and persistent screaming (never had this issue with the boys), she throws her food across the table at dinner and most of the time hits daddy or Luke, she puts things back where they belong and cleans up very well, she melts my heart at least 50 times a day, she makes us all laugh, and she is definatly the Family Princess. We love you Allie Girl!!!

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