It has been quite the journey with this little 6 year old knee...our boy has been a trooper. He asks almost every morning if he has to go to the doctors today. We have been able to go on our little camping trips, but when we are home I feel like we are in doctor mode. I feel like Andrew has missed out a bit on summer vacation because we have spent hours in different doctor's offices. I let him pick a favorite drink to get everytime he has to go to the doctor. He chose a Vanilla Bean Frappacino, which I will gladly buy him for being such a brave and patient boy.
Andy and I have remained hopeful during it as well. We both have felt a good peace even though we did have many moments of frustration. We have felt so blessed by our families and friends. Our life group immediately started bringing us meals and took the kids and I out to lunch. So many people offered to watch the kids and most importantly we would receive email after email about people who were praying for Andrew. I have told Andy over and over again how I don't think it would be so easy if it weren't for the network of people who we are surrounded with. We felt so BLESSED each day.
Although we aren't done yet, I feel a big relief that a surgery date in on the calendar. I'm sure there will be more to this story as the weeks go by. For now I will continue carrying around the large envelope of MRI films and a manila folder with at least 20 doctor's names and numbers on it and medical terms I've never heard until now. These have become my new attachment this summer and I never leave home without them.
Our prayer for our Andrew is that he will have strength and courage through all this. He is very nervous about having surgery. We keep talking about how wonderful life will be when he won't have to worry about bumping his knee anymore!!