Christmas day was wonderfully relaxing this year. We woke up around 7 and 7:30, which is sleeping in for these kiddos. It was cold and almost rainy, so we enjoyed a cozy fire. The kids opened stockings, we slowly made our way through gifts, ate breakfast, and enjoyed the morning. It was WONDERFUL!!! Santa brought the family a computer, which was very exciting. Andrew was also very excited and enthusiastic about his lego fire boat from Santa and his Expo markers for the whiteboard. AS you can see in the pictures he also enjoys organizing all his gifts in neat little piles. Luke was very excited to find a Grinch ornament in his stocking. He had put this on his list and Santa came through. Luke was a bit worried because he had asked for a pillow pet, but Andrew gave him one for his birthday. He wasn’t sure what Santa was going to do. His gift was in a small box, but Andrew assured him that the best gifts come in small packages. Luke was beyond excited to get his very own camera from Santa. He told me many times throughout the day, “mom, good things do come in small packages.” Luke, as always was very excited to give Andrew and Allie their gifts. Allie got a new keyboard music player from Santa and a couple new baby dolls, a baby bed, and some stuffed puppies from everyone else. She is so precious at this age and gets so excited. She says everything is so “tute (cute).” She is a bit of a 2 year old stinker though when it comes to sharing her gifts and wanting what her brothers got. I love seeing the kids exchange the gifts they got for each other. I have so much fun shopping with each of them and it makes me smile to watch how excited they get to give each other their special gift.
We played all morning and afternoon with toys, read a few books, and played games. I told myself I wanted this Christmas to be simple, and it was. We had some snacks during the day and had an easy chicken and noodle casserole for dinner. It was so nice to not have to fuss over a big meal and I LOVED being able to be on the floor with my kids to just play. Allie took a nice afternoon nap, Andy and I got a little Starbucks, and snuggled up with the boys on the couch. Grandpa, grandma, and Uncle Paul came over for a bit to visit and see what Santa brought.
And one more thing about our day…
SHHHH….we ALL stayed in our jammies all day, AND I did something I never have done before….I let my kids go back to sleep tonight with their Christmas jammies on. YES…this is a huge thing for someone who gives her kids one to two showers a day, washes PJs every day, and won’t usually leave the house unless everyone is “ready” for the day. The boys thought it was great!!! I just LOVED our COZY family Christmas this year!!