We had a nice Easter Sunday today and enjoyed some time with two neighbor couples and their kids. We went to church in the morning and the kids got to have yet another egg hunt and then came home and had brunch in our backyard with our friends. It was a special Easter because Andrew really understood the meaning of the holiday. He came home from school last week and told us the whole Easter story, which is very cute from a three year old perspective. We took him to the Good Friday service and he understood that it was the day Jesus was hung on the cross. He told Luke all day that "Jesus was on the cross right now", we're still working on understanding the concept of time, but he got the idea. Today he said, "He's Alive" and opened up his paper tomb he made at school. He came home from Sunday school singing or shouting "Hallelujiah...Hallelujiah, Jesus is the King" He even did a good job of teaching the story to Luke, so Luke tells us the story in his own version as well. We love that he is understanding more about why we celebrate this holiday and it makes the day even more special.
Spring Break 2025
1 hour ago