I can't believe we are almost ready to have our little girl. Although I am a bit uncomfortable and I am very anxious to meet our sweet girl, I get sad when I think about my prego belly being gone. Although she pokes and stabs and stretches out way too much, I love the feeling of her inside of me.
It seems like just yesterday that Andy and I were driving down Highway 5 to his 10 year class reunion in LA. It was about 10:30p.m. and we pulled off in Bakersfield to get gas and a little snack. It was then that I told Andy that I really felt like eating some soup. His immediate response was "You have got to be pregnant." (I had this same craving when I was pregnant with Andrew). Well, we hadn't taken a test or anything, so we weren't for sure. I got my tortilla soup and enjoyed it thoroughly. Andy was laughing at me the entire time and gagging from the smell in the car. Later that weekend we bought a pregnancy test and our prediction was correct...we were pregnant with #3. We told the boys when we picked them up from their weekend at Oma and Pake's house in Merced. Andrew still asks me today how the baby got in my tummy when they were at Oma and Pake's (Jesus put the baby there is always my response...at least for now) Andrew and Luke had the fun job of telling everyone that mommy had a baby in her tummy. They told just about everyone they saw.
About the time we returned home from our weekend trip I felt gross. I spent the next 6 weeks feeling yucky, taking lots of naps, not being too productive, and wondering when all this was going to end. By Thanksgiving I was feeling better....Praise the Lord. In January we found out that we were having a little girl. Andrew was convinced it was a brother and it took a couple weeks for the "sister thing" to set in. Andrew and Luke are going to be amazing big brothers. They love their sister so much already. They have helped get her cowgirl room ready and have looked through her little clothes numerous times and showed my belly all her shoes and new toys. They each picked her out a special gift to bring to the hospital. Andrew bought her a pink stuffed animal pig (he loves stuffed animals). He named her Sunny. He tucked her into sister's crib everyday for a while and then he put her in a special gift bag so that it was ready for the hospital. Luke bought her a little pink snuggly blanket, just like his "baby" (his little blue blanket). He keeps wondering where the holes are in her blanket, since his blanket is pretty much one big hole. They both love hugging my belly and talking to her...I can't wait for them to get to the hospital to visit.
So, we are already at the end of this journey....after week #12 it hasn't been so bad. It was definately my hardest pregnancy, but I can't complain. I've been able to do just about everything I enjoy doing during most of my time being pregnant. I am excited to meet our little girl and see if she really does have Daddy's redish color hair :). It could me any day or it could be a couple weeks. I just wanted to post my thoughts and recap on this pregnancy before she arrives. Hopefully our next post will be of our little girl or of her cousin. My sister is ready to pop as well...I think she'll have little Kate before I have our little girl, but one never knows.
We can't wait to meet you girls and watch your little relationship begin to grow.
Almost 13!
1 day ago
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