This week was our TRANSPORTATION week. The boys love cars, planes, boats, motorcycles, and just about anything that has to do with transportation so this was a fun week. We recouped from our vacation but we still ventured out on a couple field trips since it was daddy's last week of summer vacation. Wednesday night the boys and I spent 2 hours building car ramps with boxes from Costco. They got to stay up late so that we could build while Allie was already in bed. I love seeing the differences in my boys. Andrew neatly had all his cars lined up in his garages while Luke had his all randomly placed going many different directions. On Thursday we went to the Air Museum with Spencer and Abigail. The kids loved looking at all the planes and helicopters. There is a great park next to the museum so we played and enjoyed a picnic together. At home we played with trucks in dried beans (the boys love this activity), painted wood airplanes, and colored. Today we went on a fun bus trip to the mall. It was only about an 8 minute ride each way, but the boys thought it was cool. They couldn't wait to see what the inside looked like. We got lunch at the mall and of course visited the Disney Store and then made sure to catch our bus home. My favorite part of the ride was when I offered the boys some crackers for a snack. As I was opening them Andrew yelled, "No mom the sign says no snacks, look right there mom do you see the picture that says no snacks." My little rule follower...
This was a fun week to explore different types of trandsportation. I am loving doing these fun activities with the kids, especially the boys. They just love it!!!

the kiddos waiting to get into the museum

learning about ejection seats

going in the giant army helicopter

Allie exploring like a big girl..I love that little finger she always is pointing

The rocket ship park

playing in the dried beans with construction trucks

My little painters

Our family bus ride

lunch time at the mall

waiting for the bus home