He started pre-school today...it feels like he has been ready for a while, but I can't believe we already have 2 kids in school. Yesterday was a rough day with mischevious behavior, due to nerves I think. This morning was a little rough, despite his special table set and lots of encouraging words and hugs. Andy and I were both prepping ourselves for a rough drop-off. We took Andrew to school and then took Luke to The Nugget to get one of his favorite bagels. When we arrived at school he was a little clingy, but took a couple pictures and then headed to his classroom. To our complete surprise he settled right in and we said our goodbyes in the first 10 minutes of class. There was no crying, no hanging on me or Allie, or no silly/random behavior. Andy and I left very surprised, but so relieved that he was fine. When I picked him up, Mrs. Restori said he had a great day and he was all smiles. It was fun to hear about his day and the special things he did. As usual he was very thoughtful and gave Andrew the piggy bank he painted, said a poem he made was for me and Als, and colored another picture for Allie. We celebrated by going to the jelly belly store with his buddies Jacob and Jack. He was very proud of himself and told me over and over again that he didn't even cry.
We love you so much Lukey James and even though I'll miss my little buddy at home 2 mornings a week I can't wait to see you grow, learn new things, make new friends, and enjoy your pre-school years!!!
The First Day of School Outfit....Luke has his own style and likes only a select few pieces of clothing. He loves his soccer shorts, so grandma helped us find a couple new pair for the school year. I was feeling bad because Andrew got to pick out new school clothes and Luke always told me "I'm fine with mine at home" Yesterday I took him to Target in the morning and let him choose a shirt. Yes...I let go of my desire to see him in one of his handsome collared shirts and cute shorts go by the wayside and I wanted him to choose something he really liked. The whole time we were shopping he kept telling me "I'm just finding Andrew some new shirts for school." He found 2 blue shirts with old cars on it that he really liked, but he made sure they would also fit Andrew. When we picked Andrew up he said, "Look brother I got you a new shirt." His little giving attitude will serve him well in life. So for his first day he proudly wore his blue car shirt and navy soccer shorts with Andrew's old blue crocs (because that's what was comfortable), and yes he did wear underwear (he often doesn't like putting them on, but thankfully today there wasn't an issue. He looked cute and very LUKEY!!! I love his care free attitude!

Our normal silly pictures

Best Buddies...saying goodbye before heading to their classes