The many adventures of Andy, Leslie, Andrew, Luke, & Allie Marie
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
1st GRADE!!!
Seriously..our boy is getting too old!!! He went to his first day of 1st grade today. We were so glad that he could be at school for the first day because he will have surgery tomorrow and be out for a couple weeks. We went to see his classroom on Monday and then Tuesday was the day. The table of decorated for Andrew when he woke up, he chose breakfast burritos for breakfast, made his bed, got dressed, ran through his giant banner, scootered to school with friends, and the lined up like a BIG KID on the playground. His teacher is Mrs. Gack. He has some friends from last year in his class, but he seems to miss some of his buddies who are in a different class. I was nervous for him because they really treat the 1st graders like big kids. They play on the BIG KID playground which seems HUGE to them and they are at school all day. Andrew had a great year last year, so we are so excited to see what this year brings. He is a great student and always works hard and is a great friend to others. He brought a note home today that said he was "being a good friend." At the end of the day all the 1st grade students took home a green TEAM ANDREW bracelet to wear in honor of Andrew. It was so cute to see all the kids walk out of the classroom with them on their wrist. I'm sure we'll have some pictures in a couple weeks of our first day back to school again. WE ARE SO PROUD OF YOU ANDREW & WE THINK YOU ARE AN AMAZING BOY!!
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