July 9, 2011…we left Hume Lake at about 9 am and we are off on our next journey. Arizona will hopefully be the final destination for the day. The morning started off rocky. Things were not fitting in the car the way mommy was hoping (way too crammed) and we were all a bit grouchy. We had decided last night that one of our goals for the trip would be..”the VandenAkkers don’t complain” So mommy tried to put on a smile and get excited about our journey ahead. We got on the road and Allie started complaining of a tummy ache and then about 15 minutes in Luke said he didn’t feel well and proceeded to throw up. Of course he is the child in the far back corner of the car. He got throw up on Andrew and Andrew’s backpack as well as the box of coloring books and activities. Andrew was screaming and crying because he was so grossed out. We got pulled over to the side, I crawled back and cleaned up the mess, we got Luke new clothes down form the bag on top of the car, and then we were off. Thankfully Allie decided to take an early nap so we had a peaceful ride down the mountain. We are headed through the dessert….eating lots of snacks and making frequent bathroom stops. Let the road trip REALLY begin!

This is my reaction to...it's 112 degrees, I just drove through a crazy wind, rain, thunder, lightning, flash flood, you can't see the road, no one else in the car can talk kind of storm. I picked a great time to get off kid duty in the back seat!!

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