The many adventures of Andy, Leslie, Andrew, Luke, & Allie Marie
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Hidden Falls Hike
We changed things up this weekend and went to Saturday night church. It was a great evening and has a different feel than Sunday morning. It was smaller and seemed a bit more relaxed. We enjoyed it!!! Sunday morning we thought it would be fun to go on a family hike. Some friends had gone to this trail before so we thought we would try it. It was a blast. Team Vandy completed 3.5 miles of hiking and we found the hidden falls. Poor Allie woke up with a swollen eye and she has some kind of bites on her leg that are swollen and hurt her. We opted to bring the backpack carrier for the poor girl, because I figured she wouldn't be as adventurous as usual. The boys just love wearing their camel packs. Andrew's is broken, so he put his first aid kit in his and we called him the medic. We got to the park and there was only one other person there. By time we returned the parking lot was full, so we were glad we got some hiking time in without a lot of other people. We followed the trails and finally found the big waterfall and observation deck. It was beautiful outside and the sun was perfectly warm. We enjoyed snacks and lunch along the way. I have been reading the kids a Geronimo Stilton book about going on a hike, so we packed our book and read a few chapters along the way. It was a fun to read out in nature. I think a highlight for the kids was stopping by a small waterfall on our way back. They took turns throwing their cheetos and goldfish down the waterfall and watching them end up in the small pool down below. We ended up with one injured knee (Mr.Luke), but Andrew the medic came to the rescue with a bandaid. The kids did great and were tired by the end, but they just LOVE exploring nature. We are very excited about this new trail system we discovered close to home and we will be visiting again soon. We had a very enjoyable family Sunday!!!
LOVED catching up on you guys and so glad you enjoyed this hike. I added you to my blog roll too!