Our little Luke is 4...wow!!! His birthday fell on a Sunday this year so we combined his friends party with a family party. After church we all headed over to Cool River Pizza for a "puppy party" It was perfect for Luke. H loved having his friends there with him and even though he acts kinda shy, he didn't stop talking about all his friends who came to his party. We got Luke a geotracks train and my family got him pieces as well. He was very excited about this gift. The boys have been spending many hours playing trains.
Luke has had a big year....he started pre-school, learned to ride his scooter, made some new friends at school, has began to enjoy art and coloring, and managed to make his daddy and mommy laugh a lot at his comments. He has a heart of gold...always thinking of others (mainly his family at this stage). Pictures are always colored for daddy and mommy, gifts are bought for Andrew and Als, and toys are shared when others want them. He loves to wear his footsie pajamas and cozy clothes...jeans are not an option for this boy. You can often find him with no undies on (he will wear them to school, but often takes them off when he gets home), never wears socks, which is why he wears crocs 99%of the time, and doesn't like to wear sweatshirts (except for one that grandma E gave him). Luke is very independent. He likes to get himself dressed, brush his teeth, and buckle himself in the car. Although independent he likes to do things on his time. We often wait in the driveway or parking lots for him to get buckled in, all the while he has no idea that everyone is waiting. He is a free-spirit and I know this will serve him well in life, as well as help his daddy and mommy take a step back and enjoy all the little things he takes his time to enjoy.
We love you Lukey James...our little Christmas Boy!!!